Monday, October 3, 2011

Happy Zomtober!

October is the perfect time of year to celebrate everyone's favorite undead monster: the zombie!* I learned of this celebration through the library grape vine, and you can read more about Zomtober and Zombie Fiction on this pathfinder created by an employee of the Rapid City Public Library. Beware! Catalog links will take you to Rapid City's catalog, and not Carnegie-Stout's, but these search terms will work right here in Dubuque!

Zombies and libraries are, of course, a great partnership, like peanut butter and jelly. Where better to find delicious brains than in an institution devoted to learning and literature? The zombie patrons of Charlotte Mecklenburg Library have created a website in support of their library (be sure to check out their videos).

University libraries have their own zombie infestations. This zombie comic guide to the library at McPherson College is particularly ambitious, and useful for Carnegie-Stout patrons too (McPherson uses Dewey). The University of Florida has put together a helpful survival guide in case of a zombie attack. In conclusion, I leave you with this video from the Allen County Public Library:

Be sure to check the blog and drop by the library to see our displays this October, as we highlight Carnegie-Stout's paranormal, supernatural, horror, and all topics designed to spook you.

*I suppose one could celebrate other undead fan favorites: vampire, mummy, poltergeist, or the wendigo.

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