Monday, February 23, 2015

Staff Review: Shotgun Lovesongs by Nickolas Butler

Even if you are not a native of Wisconsin you will find so much to like about Shotgun Lovesongs by Nickolas Butler. The story told through 5 narrators, all of whom grew up together in a small town outside of Eau Claire, WI.

I loved reading a book about men's friendships from the male perspective. These friends love each other like brothers but their relationships develop cracks as they mature and life wears them down. Lee becomes a famous rock star but always comes back to Little Wing to find his center. Ronny left to become a Rodeo cowboy and was a rising star when he was derailed by alcoholism and an accident that ended his career and landed him back home. Kip took off for Chicago and made a bundle in the financial field, and decided to invest in his hometown by buying and renovating an old grain mill. Henry is the hometown kid who marries Beth, the girl next door--they stay to farm and raise a family.

Each chapter alternates between these five narrators and you see the same story unfold from different perspectives. Some of the descriptions of nature and wildlife are so beautiful and harsh they actually made me catch my breath. Midwestern themes and landscape have been portrayed in a way anyone from anywhere will be able to appreciate. This novel is a quick read drawn on a wonderful canvas with a big heart.

~Michelle, Circulation

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