Monday, August 3, 2020

C-SPL Reader of the Month: Julie Stran

About Julie

I love music and playing the piano and guitar. I am a piano teacher with 48 students. I love my job! I enjoy interacting with the students and watching them progress and grow through the years. My favorite hobby is crafting. I love to create things with paper such as banners, and scrapbook pages.

(See the past Reader of the Month posts here)


Q. What is the best book you have read within the last year (or ever)?

A. The best book I have ever read is Jewel by Bret Lott. It is about a mother’s relationship with her special needs daughter. I read this book right after my son was diagnosed with a genetic disorder that causes special needs. It really hit home for me because I could understand and relate to the feelings the mother was feeling. I read this book at the right time in my life. If I would have read it earlier, before my son was diagnosed, it may not have been my favorite.

Q. What is your ideal reading environment?

A. My ideal reading environment is on my couch with my feet up drinking a hot tea. But that never happens! Realistically, my reading environment is usually in the car (while it’s parked!) waiting for my kids to get out of school. Or in the waiting room, waiting for the kids at the orthodontist or other appointment.

Q. What book are you most excited about reading next?

A. I am excited about reading Shalini Boland’s newest book, One of Us is Lying. I really enjoyed two of her other books. She writes psychological thrillers with a twist at the end, that leaves the reader in suspense.

Q. When do you decide to stop reading a book?

A. I always read every book to the very end, because it usually gets better. Nine times out of ten, I end up liking it in the end. I never give up on a book!

Q. Do you remember when your love for reading began?

A. I loved to read for as long as I can remember. I remember going to the library when I was little and reading the “Choose your Own Adventure” books. I would choose one ending, but then go back and read what would happen if I chose a different ending.

Q. Can you tell us about your reading interests in general?

A. I read a great variety of books. I like to go the new release section at the library and pick a book at random. My favorite genres are historical fiction, mysteries, and memoirs. I tend to stay away from science fiction. Sometimes, I want to read historical fiction because it’s interesting to learn about how life could have been years ago. Other times I just want to read fun books like the “Shopaholic” series. It just depends on my mood!

Check out the Julie Stran's Favorites book list!

Apply to be the next C-SPL Reader of the Month! 

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