Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Great Reading Challenge Update

The Great Reading Challenge has now reached the half-way point!

The GRC, as we like to call it, is the reading program we are offering adults this year, instead of the traditional Adult summer reading program we have had in years past.

The goal is simple: Read 24 books by December 31, 2016.

So what is the challenge part, you might ask: You can pick any books you like, BUT they do have to fit into one of the 60 categories we have chosen. One book for one category. No duplicates.

Fun categories include: Read a book with a blue cover,  Read a book that scares you, Re-read your favorite book, Read a book with an ugly cover . . . and many more!

Since we are well into July, some may be worried they won't have time to complete the challenge with half the year gone. Well, we say, "the glass is half full" and you have almost 6 more months to complete the challenge!

Also, to make things easier we have a couple of "cheats" for you: If you attend events at C-SPL that are held by Adult Services and let us know at the Recommendations Desk, we will consider that attendance to be the same as one book. You can substitute up to 12 of your 24 books by coming to events.

Or you can do a short review of a book you read for the challenge (we have bookmarks at the Recommendations Desk with more info on writing the review) and that will count as a book!

We have already read 1339 books this year. Care to join us?


  1. I've been sitting at 23/24 for weeks! But my book slump has been due to buying and moving into my first house, so... I guess I can deal with it.

    1. Our few novels with the subject heading "House buying -- Fiction" are all rather gruesome, but they may help with your slump. :)
