Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Bingeworthy TV: Master of None

I enjoyed Aziz Ansari's performance on Parks and Rec, but his next project, Master of None, was only available on Netflix so I've only recently been able to watch. Ansari plays Dev Shah, a struggling actor in New York City. Dev isn't really struggling with his career -- it's going okay, if not spectacularly, but it's unfulfilling. His love life is likewise lackluster.

This is a comedy series about being young and trying to find your path through the world, which means the humor is often bittersweet and occasionally crude. They don't shy away from difficult topics, but consistently demonstrate that it's possible for all of us to work towards being better versions of ourselves. This is a clever show that embraces opportunities to play with style and storytelling methods, while still developing interesting characters.

Dev is unquestionably our main character though so most of the stories are told from his perspective, though any episodes that feature Dev's parents are among my favorites. Interestingly, Ansari's actual parents play his character's parents in this show.

~Sarah, Adult Services

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