Tuesday, September 3, 2019

C-SPL Reader of the Month: Hannah Burke

The September C-SPL Reader of the Month, Hannah Burke, frequently volunteers at libraries—from helping out at her elementary and middle school libraries to currently offering her services at Carnegie-Stout. She also loves buying second-hand books because 1) they're inexpensive and 2) she enjoys reading the margin notes from previous owners.

Q. Can you tell us about your reading interests in general?

A. I read a lot of fiction and am naturally drawn to realistic fiction because I can only suspend my disbelief to a certain extent.  I also really enjoy movies so I find myself reading novels and then watching the film adaptation to compare.  The books are always better of course.  In my opinion, books are better able to provide character development and background in a more cohesive way.

Q. What is the best book you have read within the last year (or ever)?

A. Based on what I’ve read in the last year, I would have to go with either Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn or And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie.  I haven’t read many mystery novels, but I really enjoyed these two.  They are incredibly interesting stories and I had a hard time putting them down.  The twists and turns in these stories had me hooked from the beginning.  I have a really hard time picking one book to call my favorite so here are my top five: Room by Emma Donoghue, Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn, Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg, and The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood.

Q. What is your ideal reading environment (location, sound, snacks, etc.)?

A. I tend to read either in my bed or some of the local coffee shops. Unplanned background noises take me totally out of the story so I usually have my earbuds in with an album playing to block out the sound of other people. I’m not much into eating while reading because I find it a bit distracting and I hate the thought of getting a book dirty!

Q. What book are you most excited about reading next and what about it is most exciting?

A. I am really excited to read Little Women by Louisa May Alcott because the latest film adaptation is set to release this winter and I love the cast and director so I have high hopes for it! 

Q. What book has been the most challenging for you to read? How did it challenge you?

A. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou was a pretty tough read.  It was rough reading about all of the hardships in her life. From childhood abuse to teen pregnancy, Maya Angelou had to overcome some terrible things in her life.  Reading this book makes you appreciate her writing and her grace all the more. 

Q. When do you decide to stop reading a book? (In other words, do you read every book to the last page, or is there a moment when you decide to stop?)

A. I try to make it through about 50 pages of a book before I give it up.  If a book hasn’t gotten me by then, I have a hard time imagining it will hook me at all.

Q. Do you remember when your love for reading began?

A. I always liked reading but didn’t have much free time in high school to read for pleasure. Luckily, my literature teachers always picked a great list of novels for us to read and discuss in class.  Literature was always my favorite class because I loved all of my teachers and had a genuine interest in the subject matter.

Check out more of Hannah Burke's Favorite Books


See the past C-SPL Reader of the Month blog posts here.

Want to be the Next C-SPL Reader of the Month? Apply here.

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