Sunday, July 29, 2018

Staff Review: Educated by Tara Westover

I cannot recommend the memoir Educated by Tara Westover highly enough. It is captivating -- practically un-put-downable -- and very well written. That said, it is not an easy book to read and if you're like me you'll run the gamut of emotions, including anger and frustration.

Westover tells the story of her Idaho youth as the seventh and youngest child of ultra-fundamentalist, survivalist Mormons, who do not send her to school nor do they home-school her. They also choose not to obtain such documents as a birth certificate or Social Security card for her or to seek medical help for illnesses and accidents. This is because her father views the outside world -- the government, educators, the medical establishment, and so on -- as of the devil and about the devil's business.

In graceful prose, Westover paints a vivid picture of day-to-day life at the foot of Buck Peak. Day-to-day life, however, is filled with horrific accidents, car accidents and industrial accidents mostly, and these events and their aftermaths can be wrenching to witness as are the volatile instability of her father, the submissive blindness of her mother, and the descent into sadistic violence of one of her brothers. At times, my credulity was stretched almost beyond its limit (thanks, James Frey and other memoir fibbers) but in the end I believe this author is telling the truth.

I generally avoid memoirs of dysfunction but Westover's is actually a story of redemption, for she eventually breaks free of her parents (though she suffers horrible guilt and inner conflict in doing so), studies on her own, gets herself into college, and completes her education by nailing a Ph.D. at Cambridge in England. The wonders of this book, besides the prose, which is often incandescent, are Westover's evident love for her family, even after the estrangement, and the deep thoughtfulness with which she tells her story. Equally wonderful is Westover's strength of character, the inner compass or guiding light she possesses, which allows her to escape what struck me as a living nightmare but to Westover was the only life she knew.

~Ann, Adult Services

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Bingeworthy TV: Red vs. Blue

Red vs.Blue (or RvB) is a series created using voice-over enhanced game play videos from the video game Halo*. So it’s kind of like watching a first-person-shooter video game with dialogue added. This doesn't mean you need to have ever played Halo to enjoy the show!
The show was only supposed to run for one season of six to eight webisodes. RvB had an unexpected popularity and went on for sixteen seasons and five mini-series, becoming the longest running episodic web series of all time.
The show centers on two teams of soldiers (you guessed it): red team and blue team. These teams are fighting what is originally assumed to be a civil war. Each team has a base on the least desirable piece of real estate in the known universe: a box canyon in the middle of nowhere. It seems each team's only reason for having a base in this location is that the other team has a base in this location.
Mostly this show consists of the characters (identically armored people in varying shades of red and blue) arguing with each other. Each team has standing orders to defeat the other and capture the other's flag (because isn’t that what war is all about?), but neither team is much motivated to do anything and only does so grudgingly.
I would give this show an R rating for language. It is definitely not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. The first time I watched it I had no idea what to think other than, "This show is crazy stupid but also crazy funny." I’m not sure I can think of a show in recent memory that has made me laugh as much or shake my head as often as the first five seasons of Red vs. Blue.

~Becca, Technical Services

*Librarian's note: You can also borrow official Halo novels or watch official Halo live-action TV series or the official Halo anime from Carnegie-Stout Public Library.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Bingeworthy TV: Westworld

If you are an adult who likes sci-fi westerns and doesn’t mind gratuitous nudity and violence, Westworld is for you. Season one of Westworld aired in 2018 on HBO and if that isn’t enough of a disclaimer, I don’t know what to tell you, besides DON’T WATCH THIS WITH YOUR KIDS!
A not entirely coherent shoot-‘em-up mostly western that takes place in the future, Westworld is a theme park run by its creator, Robert Ford (Anthony Hopkins). Guests who visit the park get to experience the American Old West; the park is populated by “hosts” or very fancy robots that are basically indiscernible from humans. These hosts live in loops of their story lines and are there to fulfill the guests' every desire. In Westworld you can be your true self, do things you would never do in real life, and then go home afterward without consequence or remorse because after all the hosts aren’t human and have no feelings.
Westworld is visually spectacular with amazing scenery. The story line, while worth it, requires patience. I got to the end of season one and thought, “Oh, huh, now I want to watch that again!” I was often lost and confused during the series, which, I am sure, is the intent of the writers because many of the main characters are lost and confused so why shouldn’t you be as well?
Westworld has an all-star cast of characters that bring the show to life. In addition to Anthony Hopkins there is Ed Harris, Evan Rachel Wood, James Marsden, and my personal favorite, Thandie Newton. While I thoroughly enjoyed Westworld, I cannot stress this enough: it is not for everyone. Parts of it can be downright disturbing.
~Becca, Circulation