Monday, March 2, 2015

Staff Review: Those Guys Have All the Fun: Inside the World of ESPN by James Andrew Miller and Tom Shales

There are many sports I find enjoyable. The TV is always on during the Olympics; all my years in marching band and pep band created a love of football and basketball; watching some college sports live (Clarke men’s volleyball!) is fun. However, in many cases I would rather read or watch a movie about certain sports than see the actual event either live or on TV. For example I have always been fascinated by the 1919 “Black Sox” scandal, but really do not like watching a baseball game. Give me a summary in a book or a movie with a game montage and I’m a happy camper.

Perhaps that is why I was drawn to Those Guys Have All the Fun: Inside the World of ESPN by James Andrew Miller and Tom Shales. It is an oral history of the rise of the Entertainment and Sports Programming Network. The detailed story of the network from conception to its current standing as a worldwide source of sports on TV, in print and online is told by the people who lived it. Many sports are touched on in relation to how they came to be shown on ESPN such as football and basketball (both pro and college), baseball, hockey, soccer, NASCAR, the X games, and the Olympics. Of course there is much discussion of “behind the scenes” at the network providing a peek into contract negotiations with both individuals and companies as well as descriptions of the ESPN culture in Bristol, Connecticut.

An oral history is the perfect format for a story like this because it is presented only via direct quotes. There is some explanatory text but the story is told directly from the mouths of the speakers themselves. This format provides both sides of an argument – and there are many – or all aspects of a scandal – there are a few of those, too – without giving the authors editorial opinion. Note that because the title or description of each person speaking is only listed the first time they appear in the book, it can be challenging to keep everyone straight at the beginning.

Other oral histories include Live From New York about the development and rise of Saturday Night Live also by Tom Shales and James Andrew Miller and The Chris Farley Show: A Biography in Three Acts by Tom Farley and Colby Tanner.

 ~Emily, Adult Services

Monday, February 23, 2015

Staff Review: Shotgun Lovesongs by Nickolas Butler

Even if you are not a native of Wisconsin you will find so much to like about Shotgun Lovesongs by Nickolas Butler. The story told through 5 narrators, all of whom grew up together in a small town outside of Eau Claire, WI.

I loved reading a book about men's friendships from the male perspective. These friends love each other like brothers but their relationships develop cracks as they mature and life wears them down. Lee becomes a famous rock star but always comes back to Little Wing to find his center. Ronny left to become a Rodeo cowboy and was a rising star when he was derailed by alcoholism and an accident that ended his career and landed him back home. Kip took off for Chicago and made a bundle in the financial field, and decided to invest in his hometown by buying and renovating an old grain mill. Henry is the hometown kid who marries Beth, the girl next door--they stay to farm and raise a family.

Each chapter alternates between these five narrators and you see the same story unfold from different perspectives. Some of the descriptions of nature and wildlife are so beautiful and harsh they actually made me catch my breath. Midwestern themes and landscape have been portrayed in a way anyone from anywhere will be able to appreciate. This novel is a quick read drawn on a wonderful canvas with a big heart.

~Michelle, Circulation

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February Magazines of the Month

Chicago magazine is a publication of the Chicago Tribune Media Group and offers news, reviews, and all things Chicago. Whether you're a transplant who misses home, or you're planning a weekend getaway, it's worth checking out! More information and features are available on their website:

Dwell is a magazine for edgy, contemporary home architecture and interior design. You can check out a print copy from the library or borrow a digital copy through Zinio. More information and features are available on their website:

Saturday, February 7, 2015

FY16 Library Budget Presentation Video

Carnegie-Stout Public Library Director Susan Henricks gave a presentation to the Dubuque City Council this week about the Library's Fiscal Year 2016 budget recommendations. Here's the video:

For more information, see the City of Dubuque's Fiscal Year 2016 Budget.

Copies of Carnegie-Stout Public Library's Annual Report are available for free at the library. This year's report is in the form of an attractive calendar with historical photos, facts and figures, and upcoming library events.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Staff Review: The Magician’s Lie by Greer Macallister

Imagine yourself at the local theater, highly anticipating what should be an amazing performance by a famous magician. Now imagine yourself in Waterloo, Iowa, at the turn of the 20th century, and the magician you came to see is The Amazing Arden with her act of the Halved Man. When her husband changes into the real Halved Man at the end of the show, Arden becomes the alleged murderer. Now did she really commit the murder she’s accused of, or is it another one of her spectacular illusions?

To explain herself to her captor, the officer of the local Janesville, Iowa police, Arden must start from the beginning. She tells her life story in order to assert her innocence throughout the course of the night, so her past is mixed in with the present. He becomes more entranced by her as night goes on, but he tries to remember that she fools people on a nightly basis. Should he set her free, or is the magician telling a lie? It’s up to you to find out the truth about The Amazing Arden.

Check out The Magician's Lie by Greer Macallister

~Andrea, Circulation

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

January Magazines of the Month

It's a new year, a new month, and time for new magazines of the month! Our first feature magazines for 2015 are Trailer Life and Where to Retire.
 Trailer Life magazine is a monthly publication devoted to recreational vehicles providing reviews, tips, and travel information. The magazine began publication in 1941. There is more information, including videos, on their website:

Where to Retire magazine is a monthly publication aimed at older adults preparing for retirement. More information can be found on their website: