Sunday, July 10, 2016

Staff Review: The Summer Before the War by Helen Simonson
If you're a fan of Jane Austen and other 19th century novelists of life and love in quaint villages of long-ago England, you should not miss The Summer Before the War by Helen Simonson. Although it begins in 1914, on the eve of World War I, it quickly put me in mind of those earlier authors, with its exquisite village setting, its jumble of aristocrats and commoners, and its lavish period detail about dress, food, furniture, customs, and manners.

The novel begins slowly, as a charming tale of coastal village life at "the end of England's brief Edwardian summer." The weather has rarely been so glorious. Young, pretty, free-thinking -- and penniless -- Beatrice arrives to take her controversial place as the local grammar school's new Latin master, a position that until now has always been filled by a man. Her conditional hire situates Beatrice within a large cast of characters and allows Simonson to tackle the subject of the subjugation of women in the early twentieth century, which she succeeds at doing very well without being heavy-handed.

The rumblings of war draw closer however, Belgian refugees soon arrive in the village, and before long all are swept up in the years of bloody and tumultuous fighting that will eventually claim over 17 million lives, wound 20 million more, and end forever many of the old European ways of living. Despite the chaos into which the period descends, Simonson succeeds in bringing history vividly to life and her characters and story to satisfying conclusions.

Simonson's mastery of her material is astonishing, especially considering this is only her second novel, the first being the highly acclaimed and equally delightful Major Pettigrew's Last Stand. She's a natural born storyteller. Her characters rarely hit a false note, historical detail is fluidly rendered, and the writing is well-crafted, witty, and intelligent. There's no treacle here either; certain scenes are hard to take. People suffer atrocities, reputations are hurt, class cruelty abounds, and a few characters do not survive to the end. In constructing this intricate tale of love, class, and war, Simonson never settles for confection but hews to the genuine and authentic.  

~ Ann, Adult Services

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

New Item Tuesday

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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

New Item Tuesday

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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Book Club in a Bag

Are you in charge of picking the next book for your book club and have no idea what to choose? Why not check-out one of Carnegie-Stout's Books-in-a-Bag.  This collection has everything you need for a successful book club.  Each set has at least 10 copies of the title, usually in multiple formats (regular print, large print and CD audio).  We have 43 different titles available in a mixture of genres. Take a look at our list and if you are interested in a title contact the library at 563-589-4225 and ask for the Inter-library loan department.

Some of our recent additions to the collection are:

Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

As teenagers in a Lagos secondary school, Ifemelu and Obinze fall in love. Their Nigeria is under military dictatorship, and people are leaving the country if they can. Ifemelu—beautiful, self-assured—departs for America to study. She suffers defeats and triumphs, finds and loses relationships and friendships, all the while feeling the weight of something she never thought of back home: race. Obinze—the quiet, thoughtful son of a professor—had hoped to join her, but post-9/11 America will not let him in, and he plunges into a dangerous, undocumented life in London.

Years later, Obinze is a wealthy man in a newly democratic Nigeria, while Ifemelu has achieved success as a writer of an eye-opening blog about race in America. But when Ifemelu returns to Nigeria, and she and Obinze reignite their shared passion—for their homeland and for each other—they will face the toughest decisions of their lives.

Fearless, gripping, at once darkly funny and tender, spanning three continents and numerous lives, Americanah is a richly told story set in today’s globalized world. --from Goodreads

Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1 by G. Willow Wilson

Kamala Khan is an ordinary girl from Jersey City — until she's suddenly empowered with extraordinary gifts. But who truly is the new Ms. Marvel? Teenager? Muslim? Inhuman? Find out as she takes the Marvel Universe by storm! When Kamala discovers the dangers of her newfound powers, she unlocks a secret behind them, as well. Is Kamala ready to wield these immense new gifts? Or will the weight of the legacy before her be too much to bear? Kamala has no idea, either. But she's comin' for you, Jersey!-- from Goodreads

****Try this one in audio. It is fantastic, fun and only 2 hours long.****
              *** Read Sarah's review of Ms. Marvel here***

Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth and Faith in the New China by Evan Osnos

From abroad, we often see China as a caricature: a nation of pragmatic plutocrats and ruthlessly dedicated students destined to rule the global economy-or an addled Goliath, riddled with corruption and on the edge of stagnation. What we don't see is how both powerful and ordinary people are remaking their lives as their country dramatically changes.
As the Beijing correspondent for The New Yorker, Evan Osnos was on the ground in China for years, witness to profound political, economic, and cultural upheaval. In Age of Ambition, he describes the greatest collision taking place in that country: the clash between the rise of the individual and the Communist Party's struggle to retain control. He asks probing questions: Why does a government with more success lifting people from poverty than any civilization in history choose to put strict restraints on freedom of expression? Why do millions of young Chinese professionals-fluent in English and devoted to Western pop culture-consider themselves "angry youth," dedicated to resisting the West's influence? How are Chinese from all strata finding meaning after two decades of the relentless pursuit of wealth? -- from Goodreads

                                             *** Read Ann's review of Age of Ambition here***

Are you looking for a book club to join? Carnegie-Stout's next book discussion for adults will be at 7:00 PM on July 12 in the First Floor Program Room. We will be discussing Five Days at Memorial by Sheri Fink.  Books are available for check-out at the circulation desk. 

The upcoming book discussion titles for the rest of 2016 are as follows:

  • August 10, Girl Waits with Gun by Amy Stewart.
  • September 13, Missing Pieces by Heather Gudenkauf. (Heather will be joining the discussion)
  • October 11, Lila by Marilynne Robinson. (this is the All Iowa Reads selection for 2016)
  • November 15, The Painter by Peter Heller.
  • December 13, everyone is invited to bring their favorite book they read in 2016.  Hot chocolate, hot apple cider and cookies will be provided.
All meetings will be held at 7:00 PM in the First Floor Program Room.  Books are available for check-out approximately 6 weeks before the discussion date. 

~ Amy, Adult Services

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Nine Books for Hamilton Fans

If Lin-Manuel Miranda, Ron Chernow, and Alexander Hamilton have sparked your interest in the history of the United States' founding and its early days, you're not alone. The Tony Award-winning musical has inspired enthusiasm and curiosity among many, which is why we've invited Dr. Eugene Tesdahl to give a presentation on the life and times of Alexander Hamilton. Dr. Tesdahl, an Assistant Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, will be presenting at Carnegie-Stout Public Library on Monday, July 11 at 6 p.m. (the 212th anniversary of Hamilton and Burr's duel).

Dozens of books have been written about our nation's earliest days, but we've narrowed the list down to nine suggestions below (we assume you've already checked out Hamilton: The Revolution and Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow).

You might also enjoy reading some of the same books that our Founding Fathers borrowed from the New York Society Library, which included such notable members as George Washington, Aaron Burr, and Hamilton himself. You can browse their ledgers of borrower records online!

The Quartet: Orchestrating the Second American Revolution, 1783-1789 by Joseph Ellis
(973.3 ELL) The triumph of the American Revolution was neither an ideological nor political guarantee that the colonies would relinquish their independence and accept the creation of a federal government with power over their individual autonomy. The Quartet is the story of this second American founding and of the men responsible, men who shaped the contours of American history by drafting the Bill of Rights.

Lafayette in the Somewhat United States by Sarah Vowell
(973.33 VOW) On August 16, 1824, an elderly French gentlemen sailed into New York Harbor and giddy Americans were there to welcome him. Or, rather, to welcome him back. It had been 30 years since the Revolutionary War hero the Marquis de Lafayette had last set foot in the United States, and he was so beloved that 80,000 people showed up to cheer for him.

Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power by Jon Meacham
(Biog Jefferson) Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power gives us Jefferson the politician and president, a great and complex human being forever engaged in the wars of his era. Philosophers think; politicians maneuver. Jefferson's genius was that he was both and could do both, often simultaneously. Such is the art of power.

Washington and Hamilton: The Alliance that Forged America by Stephen Knott & Tony Williams
(973.41 KNO) From the rumblings of the American Revolution through the fractious Constitutional Convention and America's turbulent first years, this captivating history reveals the stunning impact of this unlikely duo that set the United States on the path to becoming a superpower.

The Struggle for Sea Power: A Naval History of the American Revolution by Sam Willis
(973.35 WIL) Sam Willis traces every key military event in the path to American independence from a naval perspective, and he also brings this important viewpoint to bear on economic, political, and social developments that were fundamental to the success of the Revolution. In doing so Willis offers valuable new insights into American, British, French, Spanish, Dutch, and Russian history.

Valiant Ambition: George Washington, Benedict Arnold, and the Fate of the American Revolution by Nathaniel Philbrick
(973.3 PHI) The focus is on loyalty and personal integrity, evoking a Shakespearean tragedy that unfolds in the key relationship of Washington and Arnold, who is an impulsive but sympathetic hero whose misfortunes at the hands of self-serving politicians fatally destroy his faith in the legitimacy of the rebellion. As a country wary of tyrants suddenly must figure out how it should be led, Washington's unmatched ability to rise above the petty politics of his time enables him to win the war that really matters.

The Washingtons: George and Martha, "Join'd by Friendship, Crown'd by Love" by Flora Fraser
(Biog Washington) This is a remarkable story of a remarkable pair as well as a gripping narrative of the birth of a nation--a major, and vastly appealing, contribution to the literature of our founding fathers . . . and founding mother.

Washington's Immortals: The Untold Story of an Elite Regiment Who Changed the Course of the Revolution by Patrick O'Donnell
(973.33 ODO) In August 1776, General George Washington's army faced off against over 20,000 British and Hessian soldiers at the Battle of Brooklyn. It was almost the end of the war. But thanks to a series of desperate bayonet charges by a single heroic regiment from Maryland, known as the "Immortal 400," Washington was able to retreat and regroup.

Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the Struggle for America's Independence by Carol Berkin
(973.3 BER) The American Revolution was a home-front war that brought scarcity, bloodshed, and danger into the life of every American, and Carol Berkin shows us that women played a vital role throughout the struggle. Berkin takes us into the ordinary moments of extraordinary lives.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

New Item Tuesday

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