Monday, December 2, 2013

Staff Review: Innocence by Dean Koontz

What does it mean to be human? Is there such a thing as a “damaged” person? If you want to explore these questions while reading an eerie, enchanting tale, then I recommend reading Innocence by Dean Koontz. I came to this book having read his Frankenstein and Odd Thomas series, but this was his first stand alone book for me. Innocence has the endearing traits I’ve come to expect from Koontz, like characters I loved and respected and villains who were, well, outrageously villainous. Also some utterly creepy marionettes . . .

In Innocence, we meet Addison Goodheart, a being so deformed that he is rejected on sight by any person he encounters.  Even so, he is an essentially happy, if lonely, man who deeply loves humanity even though he is rejected by it. He lives in hiding in an unspecified American metropolis that feels a little bit surreal and very mysterious. When he dares to make a real connection with another person, he begins an adventure of discovery and danger.

You shouldn’t read this book if you like easy answers. You’ll be asking yourself, “What IS this guy’s deal anyway?” In fact this question is so compelling that you will keep reading through all the (sometimes slow) backstory and present day until you find out. Or don’t. All I will say is that if you keep reading, you won’t be disappointed. It’s an intriguing book with a very satisfying ending.

~Laura, Circulation

Advance reader's review copy was provided by the publisher.

If you're looking for more Dean Koontz, check out our Dean Koontz read alike post.

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