Sunday, November 11, 2018

Staff Review: The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells

When Ann Leckie said that fans of her Imperial Radch series would like The Murderbot Diaries, I made a mental note. When the first novella in The Murderbot Diaries, All Systems Red, won the 2017 Nebula Award for Best Novella, the Locus Award for Best Novella in 2018, and the Best Novella Hugo Award in 2018, I realized I needed to read this Right Now. Luckily, Carnegie-Stout Public Library owns this series in both print and eBook form, so I was able to pick up All Systems Red from the comfort of my couch at 10:00 p.m.

Murderbot is the creation of author Martha Wells, and Wells has created a character and world that resonates with who I am as a reader in 2018 in ways I never could've expected. It's always a magical experience when you meet the right book at the right time. If you too feel like life is a little too dark, your emotions are sometimes too overwhelming, and you enjoy a good old fashioned adventure in space (with just a hint of lone cowboy hero), maybe you'll love this series as much as I have.

Murderbot is the hero of this series, not that Murderbot has any interest in being a hero. All Murderbot wants is a bit of peace and quiet to enjoy its favorite shows (it is partial to soap operas). Unfortunately, Murderbot is an artificial construct combining robotics, energy weapons, and cloned human parts (including a human brain) known as a SecUnit. Muderbot is the property of a company that rents out SecUnits and other security devices to groups engaged in dangerous tasks like exploring new planets. Luckily, Murderbot had the skills to hack its governor module (the bit of software that makes it do what humans tell it to do), which means that it can enjoy its shows during the many, long boring stretches when no one needs it to provide security.

The series starts with Murderbot doing as little as possible while on loan to a group of scientists exploring a potential colony planet. Until things go wrong and Muderbot realizes that something or someone is out to kill its humans. Something that Murderbot is not prepared to have happen ever again (before Murderbot hacked its governor module it experienced some things that have left it traumatized).

I don't know if Wells plans to continue this series in the future, but I sincerely hope so. In the meantime, I'll just need to enjoy rereading the stories that are available.

-Sarah, adult services

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Bingeworthy TV: Star Trek Discovery

This might date me, but I grew up watching Star Trek: The Next Generation with my family, and this was the series that was my gateway to all things science fiction. As a result, the larger Star Trek universe will always have a special magic for me.

This is why, when a local theater offered the chance to watch the live-stream of the first episode of Star Trek Discovery on the big screen, I was there. Because Star Trek is so much a part of my general knowledge, it's hard for me to judge how good of an entry point this series might be for a viewer brand new to the universe. I think you'll be okay if you know a few basic facts:
  • Humanity has joined with other alien planets to form the United Federation of Planets
  • Star Fleet is the Federation's science and exploration based space navy
  • Vulcans are alien members of the Federation who dislike emotions
  • Klingons are aliens who feel threatened by the Federation's growth

Discovery takes place within the original universe established by the 1960s TV series*, but is set before the events of that series. It's not quite a spoiler to say that the Federation is on the brink of war with the Klingons as that war kicks off in the first episode and remains a focus of the first season.

This series is a bit darker than you might expect for Star Trek. It's fairly violent and main characters don't escape the consequences of that trauma. I'm used to a sense of optimistic adventure in my Trek, so this bleaker tone was not an easy adjustment. Things felt a bit uneven as the series tried to find a balance between the serious and the lighthearted. Parents should also be aware that characters use real four-letter English swear words on occasion.

Discovery follows Michael Burnham, an exceptionally intelligent and driven human who was raised by Vulcans after her family was killed. Michael's choices in the early days of the war with the Klingons have disastrous consequences for her career and her self-esteem. Spoilers: she goes to future space jail, until she's sprung by the eccentric captain of the spaceship Discovery and given a second chance to help the Federation.

There are several interesting characters in Discovery, but I don't recommend that you get too attached to anyone as several don't survive the first season. This didn't stop me from enjoying the character of Cadet Sylvia Tully. She added that sense of fun that I enjoy so much in Star Trek to a series that was often far darker and more serious.

The first season is packed with twists and turns and I'm curious to see what the creators have planned for their second season.

~Sarah, adult services

*As opposed to the recent reboot series of films starring Chris Pine and Zoe Saldana, which is an alternate reality.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Bingeworthy TV: Kim's Convenience

When I find something that makes me smile, I just want to share it with everyone. This means that I've told pretty much every friend and family member I have about how great Kim's Convenience is.

Kim's Convenience is a Canadian comedy series focused on the Kim family and the convenience store that they own and live above. And yes, it is based on a real Toronto convenience store that you can visit in real life (a possible road trip I have really considered).

Mr. and Mrs. Kim immigrated to Canada from South Korea and are often referred to by the Korean terms Appa (dad) and Umma/Eomma (mom). Janet, their youngest child, lives at home while attending art school and working part-time in the store. Jung, their oldest, left home as a teenager after clashing with his parents and the law. He's since turned his life around and works at a local car rental, but is still estranged from his father.

There's plenty of inter-generational and intercultural conflict and confusion to explore, and the series does so with care and humor. The series also allows its characters to grow and change from episode to episode, which gives an overall lighthearted show depth.

~Sarah, adult services

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Bingeworthy TV: Great British Baking Show

I'm not going to pretend I have any talent for baking, but I do enjoy it when I somehow manage to follow a recipe and turn out something edible. I like eating good food; I'm just not invested in learning how to create it for myself.

But somehow, in watching the determined, talented bakers of The Great British Baking Show, I've found myself thinking, "Hmmm, maybe I could make that..." Despite not always quite understanding what they are talking about.

With the judges and bakers throwing around words like "choux," "lamination," and "baps," it can be hard to tell where the technical cooking terms end and the quirks of British English begin. More ambitious viewers can seek out cookbooks and how-to videos from the judges, the rest of us can just enjoy the atmosphere.

The humor is sometimes a bit adult, but I think it's probably still a good choice for families to view together as the show's overall warmth and good spirit override the occasional innuendo. It's so very heartwarming to watch the bakers try their absolute hardest to achieve seemingly impossible tasks, while still taking the time to cheer on and assist their competitors.

I highly recommend The Great British Baking Show to anyone looking for a sweet escape from the hassles of real life that won't add inches to your waistline.

~Sarah, adult services

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Staff Review: Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan

When a book I've read becomes a movie or a TV series, there's one important question I ask myself: will they do the story justice or will everything be changed and ruined? I'm here today to (hopefully) help you answer that question for one book turned movie.

If you read an enjoyed Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan, should you go see the movie? Yes.

If you've seen and loved the movie, should you check out the book? Maybe.

I had Kevin Kwan's Crazy Rich Asians on my To Read list since I first saw the (original) glittery cover five years ago. I finally found the time to read it this summer because a) I've reached peak wedding season in my social group and b) I really, really wanted to finish before seeing the movie. It can be frustrating to watch a movie and have events or characters you loved in the book removed or changed, but I find that if I watch a movie first, I'm less likely to read the book since I more or less already know what's going to happen.

Crazy Rich Asians combines rom-com and soap opera plots with descriptions of extreme luxury, and just a touch of modern fairy tale fantasy. As a reader, the numerous mentions of luxury brand names could be a little bit exhausting, and this is one area where the movie surpasses the book. It's much easier and less distracting to show a character wearing a gorgeous, expensive outfit (or car or house) than it is to read several sentences describing that outfit.

As a reader, it helped that one of the main characters, Rachel Chu, was equally out of place in this world, and that several of the characters more intensely invested in over-the-top consumerism were used as comic relief. Not that Kwan was arguing that wealth = bad, more of conspicuous wealth = bad manners.
Some of the other changes between page and screen were more significant, but I felt like they made sense for the story and characters. I don't want to spoil anyone, so I'll try to be general. The book explores the ways that extreme wealth and unequal power balances can harm relationships by comparing several different characters' experiences, while the movie narrows its focus primarily to Rachel (our average woman) and Nick (our dashing prince).

Born in China, but raised in America by her single mother, Rachel has created a comfortable life for herself in New York City as an Economics professor. When her handsome, fellow-academic boyfriend, Nick Young, invites her to spend their summer break visiting his friends and family in Singapore, she's happy to join him on an adventure. Nick, however, did not tell Rachel that his family and friends are the elite of Singapore, nor did he warn his family about their relationship, leaving his mother to assume that Rachel is a gold-digging embarrassment.
I enjoyed Kwan's descriptions of his native Singapore, the foods, places, peoples, and hints of its history and culture. I'm also a sucker for a good love story, and I feel like Rachel and Nick earn their happy ending, but that Kwan left enough potential for drama to justify the two sequels. In fact, it's fairly likely that I'll be picking up China Rich Girlfriend (book two) to read next summer.

~Sarah, Adult Services

Sunday, August 26, 2018

The View from Flyover Country: Dispatches from the Forgotten America by Sarah Kendzior
Sarah Kendzior is a journalist writing from St. Louis, Missouri, a city firmly tucked in "flyover country," that large swathe of the United States between the east and west coasts that tends to get little attention. Kendzior sets out to correct some of this neglect in her new book, The View from Flyover Country, composed of short pieces she wrote for Al Jazeera between 2012 and 2014.

All is not well in flyover country, although many of the issues Kendzior writes about affect the entire nation and the globe. Her overarching theme is social and economic justice -- the growing chasm between the haves and have-nots -- which she explores by looking closely at race and religion, the media, higher education, and what she calls the post-employment economy.

With years of journalistic experience and degrees in history, Central Eurasian studies (an MA), and anthropology (a PhD), Kendzior knows her stuff. She's also a clear and graceful writer. One of her primary contentions is that, increasingly, those in positions of influence -- in government, business, policymaking, and mainstream journalism -- belong to an affluent and self-selected set who, due to their privileged backgrounds, cannot possibly comprehend, assess, or report accurately on economic issues. But entry into their professional circles is too often barred to the rest of us by the sky-high cost of elite private schools and the fact that so many influential positions are now filled by those who were able to spend years in under- or unpaid internships and fellowships gaining access to those in power.

Kendzior hits hard on the surreal situation that exists in our public universities too, where student costs have shot through the roof, yet, in many cases, over 70% of tenure-track faculty has been replaced by poorly paid adjuncts. She also examines student-loan debt, stagnant and declining wages, the exorbitant cost of living in big cities, the gender gap, the shootings of unarmed black men, the surveillance state, and so much more. It's not a heartening collection to read, but Kendzior's candor is refreshing, and hope springs eternal that heightened awareness may eventually lead to solutions.

~Ann, Adult Services